Friday, November 28, 2008

Weird Friday

Presently Im working on a project in Indonesia, a country which I traveled for vacation 14 yrs ago. Memories being washed out along the passage of growth, cant fully recall those precious moments in the olden time lo. However, this unplanned venture has compensated me some fresh experiences. Friendly users la, comfortable accommodation la, yummy foods la … all gifted to us generously. Hahahaha.

Alas, things changed constantly without notification in advance leh. When the opportunity approached, I need to move forward without sticking to the old environment ma :P Resignation letter being sent out last month and I will no longer working in this lovely company. New challenge is ahead of me and Im still unsure on the new job scope leh. So? What to do? Hehehe. DIE LA !! hahahahaha


Anonymous said...

宝贝,对不起。辛苦你了~:( 为了生活,从个舒服环境换去一个不晓得怎么样的环境。。真的辛苦你了。。:(

Kai and Baobei said...


Anonymous said...

新的环境新的开始!未必是件坏事 =) Dont worry,你一定能够百战百胜!加油!

Anonymous said...

lexus_gal, 我担心他新环境没有你和362废, 一定很闷。

YEN said...

where are you going?

Kai and Baobei said...

no la, still in Malaysia, but changed company. Will join the new company next week. In PJ :)