Monday, June 30, 2008


区内唯一的肉骨茶餐馆。由于这住宅区还很新,人烟稀薄:P所以‘觅食’选择非常有限,哈哈哈!Besides Bah Kut Teh, Baobei and me had tried the steamboat at here too. Not bad, taste good and reasonable price.




New gadget of mine :-P this phone can help me to blog faster on the go . 本身不追赶潮流,只想找个合适自己的电话。特别喜欢折叠款式的电话,感觉... 很有‘性格’ ,哈哈哈!




Last non-halal meal for my colleague. :-) She is going to be converted to Muslim this week. ‘Sinfully’ we had invited her to get a last bite in Bah Kut Teh restaurant. Without immoral purposes, we really wish she can enjoy the foods for very last time in non-halal eating place. Wish the best to her marriage.


So weird for me to travel on road at 1030am . . . has been a long time I din drive out at office hour. Exposure to sunshine is good for health but I seldom have such precious chance. Feel so fresh when the wheels spin on road under the sunlight, hahahahaha.


Rushed to PJ for meeting, ish . . . Terrible traffic. Anyway, I like the office environment here in BxxM. Constrained area yet comfy. Will consider raising a request for departmental transfer, heheheh

Sunday, June 29, 2008






宝贝又买东西了…还很自然地排列出来:-S There is a weird habit of baobei … she like to position her stuff in order … and most important is … the products’ label must be facing outside :P she warned me not to mess up her things too :P















Saturday, June 28, 2008



Friday, June 27, 2008


New funds approved for Iraq war next year by congress! What kind of congress is this? Hundreds over billions! Without troops withdrawal plans! U.S … you know how much bonds you had issued to world? There are lists of internal ailments waited to be resolved by ur government yet your stubborn strategies keep on focusing on wars! You are natural born killer! Stop interventions abroad and take off your peace maker mask! The world will be developing fine without your existence! You are just a broken economic body with evil soul! 100 billions can help lots of unfortunate. It should be utilized productively but not invested on killing machines!

Saturday, June 21, 2008





Friday, June 20, 2008


When 2 strong personality crashed, the best solution is 'avoidance' from either party. Avoidance doesnt mean surrender. It means diverting the focus to other person (which is more worth to communicate with). To preserve the dignity, pls do not give in supports to the crashed party (to avoid become doggy followers, just like those who like to be in agreement all the time - weak or without personality).


2008, Siam Reap, Cambodia. The books are expensive. Tagged with USD prices.除了吃喝,整条街里没什么特别的店铺,闲着闲着就和宝贝走进了这间书店。我们俩都不喜欢在旅途中阅读,所以一本书都没买。文字走不去也跑不了,为何心急把它们哽完呢? 倒不如东张西望,享受身边的景色。:)

Prince D'Angkor

2008, Siam Reap, Cambodia. Worth to stay. It's a very nice 4-star hotel with all the facilities equipped. Don't get the walk in price for staying, the charge is 240 USD per night! Try the internet booking and get the online package, it will only cost you 60USD. Comfortable room with strategic location (walking distance to market, pub street, etc).间里的设施舒适卫生,不会让人感觉阴暗不自在。床褥也很好,整齐干净,一整天的疲惫就在躺下那一刻消失得无影无踪。

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Good Skill

2008, Siam Reap, Cambodia. Long time din have a life like this :P 记得中学时期的我喜欢到处游荡,休息对我来说简直是奢侈的行为。骑着电单车和老朋友逛街,三四人共车从没顾虑安全, 直到天色暗了才舍得回家…好怀念。

So Yeng ~

2008, Siam Reap, Cambodia. Kid in model pose :P 注意她好久啦...时正在和宝贝吃午饭,用完餐后闲着无事做就拿起相机四周瞄。小孩就站在对面街,不清楚她袋里装着什么。


2008, Siam Reap, Cambodia. Father and son in front of clinic. 父亲好像很忧郁。路过街边的clinic, 发现了这对父子。个人猜测,父亲的忧郁可能源至经济上的困难,母亲的病痛,还是...他们本来就很无聊才坐在那儿... 嘻嘻!


2008, Siam Reap, Cambodia. Dont know why the woman sitting there (-_-) tembak and go. No cost. 眼神有点凶。这女人也在街边坐了很久,不知道她在注视些什么。没礼貌地说一句... 她应该是精神有问题:P对不起...

Fast and Furious (not exactly)

2008, Siam Reap, Cambodia. Their tuk tuk is driving slower compared to Thailand. (maybe they want to save petrol, who knows).喜欢他那对‘够狠’的眼睛,哈哈哈! 路上太多tuk-tuk了,有点供过于求的象,致争抢顾客的场面到处可见。不知道司机们如何维持生活。


2008, Siam Reap, Cambodia. Raining season din stop us from visiting the country. Rainwater came only at the 3rd day of our trip. This is a shot took at Red Piano restaurant. The street was flooded with water and tuk-tuk drivers tried to grab customers in front of shops. 柬国的排水系统非常糟糕,倾盆大雨时街头水淹过膝,寸步难行。没办法的情况下,我们选择了‘化财消灾’ 的策略,花了一美金乘坐tuk-tuk回酒店:P

Missing - ai ...

Finally, I watched the ‘Missing’ in cinema yesterday night. Comments on this movie: No Comment, ai …… such a nice idea (Yunaguni) Yonaguni yet spoilt by the lousy filming skills. The love story can be filmed in a better way without the appearance of ‘ghosts’. Ya, it might be more ‘out of the ordinary’ when the idea of ‘ghost’ being applied, but will it nicer if they do it with implicit methods rather than showing the physical spirit images? The ghosts were talking too much ~ and the make up was so disappointed. Honestly, I like the place; I like the story of Yunaguni Yonaguni; I like the love story in the movie; I like the idea of Feng Lai; I like the photo took by Guo Dong (character in movie), especially that ‘Feng Lai’ … never mind, imagination is unrestricted, there is a better Yunaguni Yonaguni for myself :)

Results :-P

Natural born defensive intentions are triggered when met small test scenario. Failed EQ and Irrational thinking within a slow growing mindset :-)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hidden Statue

2008, Siam Reap, Cambodia. Baobei found this hidden Buddha at a concealed place, hahaha.佛像藏于秘的角落,如果没察,真的很难发现这只有几寸面积的浮雕。树根环抱的现象使雕像显得格外神秘,吴哥昧力由此可见。

Night Market

2008, Siam Reap, Cambodia. Don't be cheated by travel brochures. Hahahahaha. Nothing special can be found in the market. There are around 100 stalls there but most of them selling the same thing. And it’s not a happening place :P After spent 15 mins wandering there, we went to Pub Street again (our favorite place). Hahahahaha. 这旅游点的确不值一提,和马来西亚的Central Market没两样。档摊里卖的都是些商业化的纪念品,手工艺术消失无踪。如果真的时间过剩大家不妨到此一游,哈哈哈!

FuWa - Beijing Olympic - is this real ?

Visit this blog:

So sad to hear about the disasters in China ...

Yonaguni !

Image source: Internet

Going to watch the "Missing" today. I am not sure whether the movie is nice ... but the place and story of this ancient city really attracted me! The world is so wonder, especially those olden times architectures which lost in journey of time ... no ... not lost ... their spirits still existed, forever ...

Visit the link for more stories:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Drinking Session

2008, Siam Reap, Cambodia. With a main course which only charges 3 – 4 USD, and 75 cents beer, you can spend the whole night there without hurrying. With the purpose of getting nice views, we rushed to the street around 700 – 730 pm and grabbed a front most table. Hohoho. Great sights are all around for you to realize.

Makan Makan


The photo is a bit blur coz i really feel sorry to point the lens to her at nearer distance. Honestly, my sympathy is absent when touch down on this land. I din intent to offer any dollars even though scenes of misfortune presented in front of me. The materialism shown in the society truly disappoints me. Don’t tell me that is the post-war symptom, it doesn’t make sense. International governments have pumped in billions of dollars for development yet the moneys have been mismanaged.

Road to Bakheng

2008, Siam Reap, Cambodia. Land mines were the major culprit which brought grief to this country. Soldiers and civilians are suffered along the lifetime either during the war period or current days. With horrible scenes rooted in their memories, will music free sorrow in them? Or that’s the only way they can do to earn for living? 战争血腥,地雷无情。剧烈爆炸声后所留下的只有残骸或伤者,又何苦呢? 丈夫有妻子的等待,妇女有孩子的呼唤,小孩有父母的哭泣... 一场战事留下满城沧桑,还有一地火药。

Old Market

2008, Siam Reap, Cambodia. There are 2 markets in that area - Old and New Market. This is the old one which we had visited in the first day. The place is dark and crowded but nice for you to pay a visit. It’s quite similar with the markets in Malaysia besides the languages they used. Some of them can speak fluent Mandarin!

Tonle Sap

2008, Siam Reap, Cambodia. The bumpy roads nearly murder us on the way to Tonle Sap, I can’t even hold the camera stably when taking pictures. Just a gentle advice for those who visiting the place … entrance fees !! hahaha, we have been cheated by their government officials when entering the area. The price can be negotiated! They will ask for 20 USD per person, but, please, argue with them and get the price of 15 USD or even lower. We had paid extra 10 USD to those corrupted officials! Hehehe! Just learn it as a lesson, as long as we have admitted without covering the mistakes. Hahahahaha. Don’t worry about the tuk tuk price, it’s always (in the period I went) 10 USD to 12 USD per day (from morning to after dinner). That’s impossible to be cheated by tuk tuk drivers, it will be a shame if failed to negotiate with them coz there are hundreds of drivers along the street. Choose the one you feel comfortable with and enjoy the day.


2008, Siam Reap, Cambodia. Frankly speaking, I don’t have the courageous to take up challenges like this. I would like to get closer and take a picture, that’s it. They are selling different kind of bugs (in fried), unfortunately I din see the spiders in boiling oil, hahahaha! Once in a lifetime, maybe I will have a try in future … just maybe … just … forget about it (-_-)"
真不明白这成千上万的虫子是怎样找来的... 捉的? 泥里挖来的? 还是自家饲养的? 总之当时我就不敢放胆一试。:P

Must Watch ~

Must watch it in cinema ! :P Many of my frens recommended this ~ hehehehe. Really, the panda is funny, hahahaha

Monday, June 16, 2008


Continuation of interruptions brought my mind into halt ! 'focus' should be the cure for the ailment yet not sure that's a light in the mist . . .

Statue - Baobei's Gallery

The civil war has destroyed parts of temples. It's a crime !! There is a bullet hole on the statue. There are many tour guides well standby in the temples. They will try to approach as ‘volunteers’ and explain million years of stories to you ‘in advance’! Hahahaha, but actually they are providing ‘post-paid’ services …You will need to pay if you hired them for the journey!

Apsara on Wall - Baobei's Gallery

Artworks are everywhere in temples. The one which existed on the wall is the full set of Apsara dancing. I am reluctant to provide histories of Apsara here coz it’s all available on internet. Visitors who actually interested on the tale will not mind to check it out from web. Hahahaha. Excuses from lazy person.

Tree - Baobei's Gallery

Travelers who fascinated by Angkor should visit the place as soon as possible. Reason being … The roots are growing and expanding every year and it will damage the temple eventually. Since the nature are attached to the building, Ta Prom will be destroyed once the walls no longer able to support the trees.

Wall - Baobei's Gallery

Truthfully, the history of every single place should be well understood before the journey, yet Im not that kind of person. I would prefer to feel the bricks rather than doing those facts finding tasks. For me, travel should be a relaxing event; researching will be a tiring job for me … it’s like doing homework in school time. :P Reading simple explanations in travel books on the spot will suit me better.

Entrance - Bayon

Another shot from Baobei. She is great in angle :P praising own gf, hahahaha. We went to this temple twice coz we really love it so much! We had paid another 5 USD in the last day just to visit Bayon and Ta Prom. The smiling faces on rocks are charming! The sky was raining but we still walked slowly toward the temple. With umbrella in hand, we paid the last visit to this attractive historical remaining. :)

Another View

A nice shot by Baobei. She is using her h/p camera in the whole trip. Honestly, Im so admire with her skills. Will try to get her a nice SLR if i got enough money :)


2008, Siam Reap, Cambodia. There are so many kids like him on the street ... The kid was doing nothing. He just holds the gate and stood there. Pity child who ‘unintentionally’ fall into my pit. Hahahahaha. We were spending our free time just to ‘observe’ on the street. Bought a few shirts, key chains, fridge magnets … Baobei looks like excited when the term of ‘shopping’ came into her mind. :P