Friday, February 27, 2009

Mobile Phones to Boost Healthcare in Africa

I was stunned when the news came into my sight this morning! Without doubt, agreed that mobile networks are booming in Africa countries with the efforts from communication companies. Undeniably the usage of mobile phones is increasing in the region these few years, either for personal or business purpose. Yet the feasibility of this healthcare programme is unconvincing and uncertain!

How would the information being distributed around the public? Educate citizens by sending out a simple SMS from automated system? Or making usual phone calls by government funded centre? Or the least possible channel, which required users to browse the internet and receive push email by subscribing 3G services? This is ridiculous! The mobile industry is not fully developed and welcomed within the region! Along with this issue, do you believe that the low income groups (which vulnerable to HIV) are able to pay for the gadgets? This is the key point to be studied before the programme launched. Straighten out your politic and economy before implementing any ineffectual agenda in your countries!

A good number of the mobile phone owners are resided in Western, Southern and Northern part of Africa, where people are affordable to bear the additional living costs and it’s stress-free for them to obtain any medical service. However, is the programme being put into practice for the well off, middle class, or the poor who living at the verge of life? How likely for them to reach the deprived group by mobile network? How many of them will be of the same mind after received the reminder SMS? Where will be the government funds gone to? How much cash will be drove into those gigantic communication companies? I doubt.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

煲煲香 (Kota Damansara)

煲煲香就在Kota Damansara区里,很容易找。:)



Asam Curry 鱼片,更棒!!!!

环境 ... 还可以啦 ...

没有加味精的噢(不知道,应该真的吧) :P

配白饭才适合‘正’! :)

总分: 4.0/5.0 !!


被That My Goal ‘感化’后,突然也有些想法,哈哈!就拿昨晚的晚饭做例子吧!:P 为了逛书局,宝贝和我‘专灯’去到谷中城用餐。以下是我们的食物照(附加领悟感言,哈哈!)。

中华大碗饭 - 别看它只是简简单单的一碗饭,里头还有煎蛋,香肠,鸡翼和鸡排哩!里外有别,所以哪,看人也是同样的道理咯,哈哈哈!有些饭看上去很美味,可是事实未必如此,right? :P 开始讲废话了 (-_-)”

喝奶茶也有一样的领悟嘛~ 有些杯子很漂亮,装着的茶水却让人失望哩 ~ :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sushi Tei - Tropicana Mall

昨晚的心情有点坏也有点高兴,很迷茫,所以决定以‘吃’慰劳自己,创造一个开心的星期二夜晚,哈!我们顺路经过Tropicana Mall, 顺便选了这间餐馆,顺手吃了些寿司, 顺风地回家睡觉 ...



Tuna + natto = Tuna natto :P 菜单里是这样写的。

宝贝的favourite, UNAGI ~

宝贝的second favourite - Chawanmushi !

Salmon + Yam = 不懂,没有把名字记下。粘粘的,好像呕出来的东西。

红色,黑色,青色 ... 都一样味道,随便吃咯。


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Photo's Tag

KT, 刚刚有股莫名奇妙的感觉在我心中燃烧 ~ 想揍人...... 可以post上你的个人照吗?(-_-)"

A popular tag from flickr. Tagged by KunTong. The rules are, everything have to be hand written. U can scan it, take a picture of it, or whatever ways.

1.Your name.
2.Left/right handed.
3.Favourite alphabet to write
4.Least favourite alphabet to write
5.Write down " The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"(Notice it contains all alphabet in this sentence)
6.Name 6 of the people you're gonna tag..

Tagged - 累死人了!


Rules:It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twenty people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real. Nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name : Lxx Khang Kai

2. A four Letter Word : Leng Chai 的 ‘LENG'

3. A boy's Name : Liu Kou Sui (nick name for my son, confirmed)

4. A girl's Name : Liu Bi Ti (nick name for my daughter, confirmed)

5. An occupation : Liu Lang (backpacker)

6. A color : Lao Sai Colour (brown)

7. Something you'll wear : Low Cut Underwear, kekeke

9. A food : Liu Lian (durian)

10. Something found in the bathroom : Lan (i found it everyday when i take bath)

11. A place : Long Island

12. A reason for being late : Lao Lan (coz lousy cant wake up loh)

13. Something you'd shout : Lanjiao (organ)

14. A movie title : Letter for Lao Peh (李连杰的‘给爸爸的信’)

15. A drink : Lao Poh punya air liur (i really drink leh)

16. A musical group : LMF

17. An animal : Lamb (after cooked)

18. A street name : Lim Peh eh Road (i always scold ppl like that)

19. A type of car :Lao Kap Chia (my car old liao)

20. The title of a song : Let it be

Monday, February 23, 2009

Minimimmo !

帮帮忙,带着小雄去旅行! 上网把小雄打印出来,依照PDF file的指示把小雄折好,yoooo!
喜欢旅行的blogger们可以带着它环游世界,拍个照留念~! :P
My dear bloggers, bring along Minimimmo when you travelling around the world! Visit the URL, print it out and fold it according to the instructions in PDF file.


昨天一早起床,和宝贝赶到庙里去拜拜,哈哈!神公又来了 :P 拜拜前先到路边的小摊子解决早餐,这张是吃干捞面时顺手拍下的。路边等巴士的场景非常普遍,但乘客的神态让我想起以前读书时期的生活。:) 当时没有自己的车子,上哪儿去都不方便,唯一选择就只有搭巴士或乘计程车。对那汗流浃背的读书生涯特别印象深刻,想起时总是觉得很幸福,很怀念。苦过才懂得珍惜,学会更努力经营未来。

千手千眼观音,看尽人间,普渡众生。我们做得到吗?看见了又怎样,欺骗自己?接受事实?捏造更多的假象?改过自新?不容易。‘人’总是把自己的尊严看得太高了。害怕他人的眼光,害怕失去自己的地位,害怕过得不比别人好,害怕失去好好人的形象 ... 何苦 ...

坦白说,我没太多的祈求 ... 我只要身边的人都安康。

下午没事做,去Klang Parade和Bukit Raja Jusco. 之后更yeng ~ 看了部泰国戏,哟~!hahaha, 色彩很美,舞蹈漂亮,配乐不错,故事普通。分数:(2.2/5.0)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Snowy (Sunway)

与朋友聚餐后,我们到Snowy享用甜品和点心 ~



总分: 1.5/5

Friday, February 20, 2009


(Image Source: Internet)


1) 经济状况


2) 社会同情



Mr. Idiot, any comment on the Octuplets case in California? Do you think this is the proper time for the babies? :)

YKさん, アメリカのOctuplets事件,論評がある?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Chimp !

(Image Source: Internet)

Once adored and long-awaited stimulus plan is being criticized in recent weeks! They shouldn’t receive any cent from gov if they distrust on Obama or the bill! There were nothing in place to deal with the economy problems when Bush taking the helm! The cash is ready now, so as the brainless cartoon! We are not able to predict the outcomes, just be seated and show optimism for the first endeavor from O’s admins! If your prints can help better in the crisis, go ahead and take over WH, not bury urself in the stupid sketching cubicle! Moron ~ !

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ole-ole Bali (Sunway)

To get rid of Monday blue, 我们又回到这地方解决晚餐 ~ 哈哈!可惜,手机的software crash了,搞得照片都拍得模糊,惨!今天上网找tweak program ~ yooooooo ! 评分: 3.5/5 Stars






Lime + Papaya. 没拍食物,因为control sys. lost focus. hahahaha



Monday, February 16, 2009




午夜 - 情人节

- 开心情人节美满度过 -

灯红酒绿,yeah ! 和宝贝叫了一bucket的Corona!


夜晚 - 情人节








果然是Fullhouse, 什么家具摆设都有。


浴缸也有... (-_-)"



Leek and Potato Soup

Pan-sear Salmon (main course)

Not so nice dessert - Fuji Apple Tart

餐馆外的花园 :P

整体分数: 3 Stars out of 5。 食物2.5 + 环境分0.5 ,哈哈哈!