(Image Source: Internet)
Once adored and long-awaited stimulus plan is being criticized in recent weeks! They shouldn’t receive any cent from gov if they distrust on Obama or the bill! There were nothing in place to deal with the economy problems when Bush taking the helm! The cash is ready now, so as the brainless cartoon! We are not able to predict the outcomes, just be seated and show optimism for the first endeavor from O’s admins! If your prints can help better in the crisis, go ahead and take over WH, not bury urself in the stupid sketching cubicle! Moron ~ !
Nest time v chat in MSN better if you have.
ya sure, no problem, will give u my id tmr coz im outside here in shopping mall, hahaha! sorry ya.
Being a leader is not easy. Will be criticised whether right or wrong. Tough as it is, Obama will need to take the challenge with a really tough heart. As for the rest of us, we can still find hope in ourselves.
idiot, ya, he need to face different kind of challenges! I will support him ... from Malaysia ... hahahaha
Chaos 老板,下次我会写印度文,kekekekeke
印度文??没有啦,如果会就好咯~ 那是骗Chaos的啦,我们都是疯人院里一伙儿的!kekekeke! 因为要顾及朋友们的感受,所以必须写些他们明白的语言。:P (很像很伟大!)
没有,我在PJ工作,住在Shah Alam。有吃的地方尽量介绍我吧,不想做个生活没情趣的人 (猪讲的话)。现在非常的高兴,因为你介绍了新的‘康头’给我,会安排时间去疯狂一下!哈哈哈哈!Thanks man ~ (o_o)
哈哈哈 以後我去shah alam 就找你
lcfu, 你讲真的才好,我是真的要吃的哦!:P 不要骗我,很伤的哩 ~ kekeke
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