Monday, February 15, 2010

BB Review aft 2 Weeks

Overall 4/5 points given to the BB 9700.


1) OS wth stable performance and user friendly GUI.

2) Trackpad equipped, smoother navigation.

3) High resolution screen, astonishing output quality.

4) Growing market penetration fueling BB software supply


1) Eastern language pack not ready, need OS upgrade fr Chinese Input.

2) Technical constraints wth normal data plan. BIS required fr full BB experience.

3) Imperfect sound quality. Only 1 speaker built in.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

BB of Mine !

Yeah, finally gt my BB 9XXX! Nd time to explore the fnctions in detail, wil post in depth rviews aft 2 wks! hahahaha! Great cam, gd scrn output quality n faster proc speed! Wrkng on the Chinese Input settng, hav to mk it a powerful bloggng/twittng gadget! XD Going to hndovr my Little E to Baobei, wahahahaha! Cnt mk a comparison btw 2 pieces since both running on differnt platfrm. Strtng nw journy on BB OS ~ yooohooo!!!!