Thursday, August 27, 2009
Japan Trip – Kyoto (7)
Japan Trip – Kyoto (6)
银阁寺, 记得这地方是绿幽幽一片的,四周都长满花草树木,慢步林中的时刻超棒!每片叶子都让人感觉清新,仿佛与之共同呼吸。微风从未间断地喃喃细语,告知万物如此美妙 ~ 很怀念那雨后的天气 … J 这里没有特别显著的建筑物啦,绿色的一切就是主角咯,无须任何衬托,所以照片都是一片‘青’,哈哈哈哈!由于刚下过雨嘛,石阶都还湿滑,我和宝贝小心翼翼,放慢脚步欣赏身边的风景(我们不喜欢赶场的)。当然要小心咯,跌倒的话 … 不堪设想!伤了手脚就不能继续接下来几天的行程 ~ 还有,相机一定会‘呱材’的 (-_-)” 妈的我酱辛苦赚钱买回来的,哪里可以不照顾它哩?苦命人!有张照片是‘银沙滩’的,但我不知道‘这堆’东西是什么来头哩!为什么要有银沙哩?为什么要这样摆阵哩?想上网找资料又觉得懒惰 :P
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Japan Trip - Kyoto (5)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Quick Update on Morakot Donation
Additional donation channel for Morakot Victims:
Account No : 0040 6750 0119
Name : Buddhist Tzu-Chi Merit Society Malaysia
Bank : Malayan Banking Berhad
Friends, details provided via website below:
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Help if you can. Typhoon Morakot has slammed Asia gravely, especially Taiwan. Spend a moment or two to visit the following website and make some contributions (voluntary):
Please do inform me if there is any better channel for donation. Thanks.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Spy !
Think twice when twitting and facebooking in Iran, officials might take u into custody without giving any valid reason! They will accuse u of spying in the region! Nevertheless, without the existence of these online tools, people would be ill with communicating the truth to world. No one be able to guarantee the accuracy of this information assertively yet no one has the right to rein in the freedom of speech too! Communities have the command on information sharing! Internet content filtering policy has been misused by a group of 'politician elites', who trying hard to veil their offenses in the country. Development is not progressing, being stagnant and even moving backward! So please, liberalize ur state of mind and encourage culture of sharing! Frens, twit ur mind and blog ur thoughts! You can't change the world, you tell the world!
Action with Motive
A recent 'heroic legend' of Clinton. The limelight by now focusing on his daring 'mission' which successfully brought out two journalists from N. Korea, nice words spread around to honor the bold action taken by the ex U.S. president. This is great news though I din find tat a purely 'saving' operation!
Hostages being held in countless regions n most of them imprisoned without any aids provided. Why Clinton has preferred to lend a hand in N. Korea n particularly making move in this critical point in time? Major powers are struggling to table the nuclear weapon disarmament talk with Pyongyang, any mindless deed will cause the halt or hold back on the dialogue between Obama and Kim! Who is representing U.S. for the thorny negotiations? Is Clinton intended to fly his own kite for the sake of building own fame? The achievement of his visit has pulled out 2 journalists who suffered in the jail, yet he has triggered the risk of nuclear war which might cost millions life! So now will Kim continue the talks with major parties or Clinton alone? And why Clinton has chosen the 'right' timing when Obama is exhaustingly reviving inland health care program? Think! There are reasons behind ~
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Good News !
这篇文章是在上班时间写下的,不是偷懒噢~ 因为电脑中了病毒,送到IT部门去修理了,所以没得开工。病毒扫描真拿命,由上午九时正到现在,搞了一整天没有消息,唯有痴痴等待咯!都怪自己闯祸,哈哈!