Monday, March 31, 2008


2007, Kinshasa, DRC. Lunch. This is the boat we took for river trip at lunch time.

Shopping Mall

2007, Istanbul, Turkey. Kanyon. There are few modern shopping malls in the city, and i like this the most (because of its architecture).


2007, Bosphorus, Turkey. Restaurant. Seafoods here are costly and tasteless, haha, compared to my hometown - Sekinchan.


Solve your problem in home, don't bring it over to other regions and BEG for helps !! Where is the real spirit of Tibet ? You ruined it ! There is no right and wrong in China-Tibet issue, please fight for your people with honour !! Not like a beggar !! Every country need time to solve its own dilemma ! China is having opportunities to show the world its ability, yet, you have created so many obstacles !! Do you mind to contribute on the raising of East ? Put down your own resentments and fight rationally ? Do you know what are you doing ? You are asking helps from slaughterer !! And you still feel that you are doing the right thing !! I know it's hard for you to confront with mainland's harsh and unreasonable military, but why don't you just battle with your own last blood as spiritual leaders did ? Breathe your last breath with nobility !


Hong Kong Tycoon, LI KA SHING boosted $100 million into FACEBOOK ! Hahaha, chun, honestly I am not using Facebook ......

Top 50

Starbucks announced their new strategy !! Includes free refills for regular customers ! Will it be in Malaysia too ? They are now the 16th of Top 50 performers !!

Great shame !

Yooo! Deal! $2.3 Billion! Jaguar and Land Rover are now belong to TATA ! Ford is loser !!

Sunday, March 30, 2008



Saturday, March 29, 2008


Wednesday, March 26, 2008


2007, Stellenbosch, South Africa. 入口大门。笔直的长路把车子一路带到酒店门前,望着路边的青叶红树,悠悠地,感觉很舒服。


2008,Stellenbosch, South Africa. 风景幽美的山路。第一次在国外驾车,感觉有点怪。还好路上车不多,放慢了速度,匆匆地拍下了这一景。


2007, Nairobi, Kenya. 机场关卡。有点老式,像马来西亚停车场的收费亭。


2007, Nairobi, Kenya. 酒店窗外。短暂的停留,遗憾没得欣赏大草原里万物奔腾的气势。希望下一趟有机会吧!


2007,Grand Place, Belgium. 整个行程都没什么遗憾,最后悔的是忘了带相机...总算不是倒霉到了极点啦,临时向同事借了架数码相机,拍下几张珍贵的画面留为纪念。

少了夜间的灯光,这里的建筑物一样迷人(至少把我给迷倒了)。来往的人潮不断,广场确实有点拥挤,好不容易在没人阻碍的情况下按下了快门。不在乎照片拍得好不好,只记得当时的心情不怎么愉快,纳闷的情绪使我无法体会身边的一切。或许是种奢侈,或许... 也是路过的享受吧...每次在外头旅游时,心情都沉到了最低点。很多思绪在脑里游走,沉静地,不自觉地,使我悲了起来。好多好多的事物想和宝贝分享,再美的景色都没心情欣赏... 只想和宝贝在不同的国度里,轻轻慢步... 轻轻谈情…


2007, Grand Place, Belgium. 比利时的夜景。叫了瓶啤酒,找了张四方桌,独自欣赏漂亮的建筑物。身上穿着件单薄的衬衫,冷风吹起时更感寂寞,没人陪伴,没人一块儿谈天,眼睁睁地望着广场独自发呆...


2006, Paris, France. Train Station. With exception to bundles of romantic pieces, their train stations are smell horrible and dirty.


2006, Paris, France. First trip. The tower is truly beautiful and it's fit to be the icon of romance.

Light House

2006, Dakar, Senegal. The only light house in that area. Built on the hill, light up the west!


2006, Dakar, Senegal. After the tiring visits in town, we had a walk at seaside.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008






这一部也不错,值得一看,erm ... 惊险的故事,人性的显露,可媲美大制作:P尤其是片尾的情节及悲情!最后十分种的结局感动了我,印象深刻!非常非常地喜欢这部电影!眼泪都差点流了出来。






2007, Istanbul, Turkey. 本地人说,这牌子的车品质不好,所以只适合当货车,丢脸,唉。。。

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Another surprise


Friday, March 21, 2008


What is Silkroad (Copied from Internet)

絲 綢 之 路 , 是 指 從 中 國 內 地 出 發 , 經 過 中 國 西 北 地 區 , 橫 貫 亞 洲 , 進 而 連 接 非 洲 和 歐 洲 的 古 代 陸 路 交 通 路 線 。 通 過 這 條 路 線 , 各 地 區 、 各 民 族 間 在 政 治 、 經 濟 、 文 化 方 面 進 行 交 流 。

這 個 名 稱 , 是 1 9 世 紀 德 國 傑 出 的 地 理 學 家 李 希 霍 芬 ( R i c h t h o f e n ) 提 出 來 的 。 他 注 意 到 中 國 漢 朝 時 期 , 在 中 國 與 河 中 地 區 ﹙ 指 中 亞 的 阿 姆 河 與 錫 爾 河 之 間 的 地 帶 , 即 今 烏 茲 別 克 斯 坦 東 南 費 爾 干 納 盆 地 為 中 心 的 地 區 ﹚ 以 及 中 國 與 南 亞 地 區 之 間 , 以 絲 綢 貿 易 為 媒 介 和 主 要 動 力 , 形 成 了 一 條 交 通 路 線 。 他 把 這 條 路 線 稱 為 絲 綢 之 路 。

當 然 , 今 天 人 們 對 絲 綢 之 路 的 認 識 比 較 1 9 世 紀 的 認 識 要 豐 富 得 多 。 今 天 , 人 們 都 知 道 , 絲 綢 之 路 不 僅 僅 是 古 代 絲 綢 貿 易 的 商 路 , 而 且 還 是 東 西 方 之 間 政 治 、 經 濟 、 文 化 交 流 的 重 要 橋 樑 。

Another great !

This is another great work from Steve in Pakistan. Try to look into her eyes, you will see the curiosity, where the main point of human portrait presented. The woman is a mom of 3 daughters.

Steve McCurry

Steve McCurry, a great photographer - for me. This photo has been taken by him in Pakistan in 1984. A photo which shocked the world and astounded millions people in world ! Admiration of mine to him begin since 1997, when i was holding a National Geographic magazine in library. He brought me to photographic and he brought me to the world of human cultures. This photo has attached in my soul ! He is my top in still imaging !


2007, Bangkok, Thailand. Taking train to Ayuthaya. The return tickets only cost us around RM10 ! Amazingly 'worth' !

King's Birthday

2007, Bangkok, Thailand. Celebration of Thai King's 80th Birthday. The top sovereign is definitely a super star on this sacred land, thousands of people are grabbing seats to welcome his arrival at palace.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


2007, Sentosa, Singapore. J.Fish. Amazed by the beautifulness of this marine creature. Weigh against human being, they are much safer and gorgeous.



Wednesday, March 19, 2008


2007, Bangkok, Thailand. Tuk Tuk. I prefer to take this transport compared to other (Although the meter taxi is the cheaper way to visit around, hahahaha)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008



最近听说身边同事都计划辞职,感觉有点怪怪的。其实有去有留,应该非常正常,想多了吧! 从来没把工作当成生活的一部分,所以感觉自己有点变了。。。


2007, Ayuthaya, Thailand. Among the places i had visited in these 2 years, Thailand is the greatest for me. Can't imagine and can't express the enormous impressions it brought to me. A spiritual, sacred, respectful ... an amazing land! Baobei and me love here so much so much!



2007, Bangkok, Thailand. Blind Man. Never have a thought to take advantage of it, just a desire to get some shots on people around. You will ask yourself - how well the life you are enjoying.

Internet City

2007, Dubai, UAE. Internet City. Constructions, shopping malls, pubs, disco, a city with no spirits. Personal opinion - the place is full of materialistic culture, human sense is vanished and nowhere to be found.


2007, Bosphorus, Turkey. The beautiful waterway split Istanbul into two parts.


2007, Bosphorus, Turkey. Paddler. The price of fishes here are towering and we can't afford to enjoy a table of great seafood as we wish. Maybe i am a poor guy that can't meet that level of expenses. hahahah.


2007, Bangkok, Thailand. Massage services. Baobei and me taking beer in Khao San. Didn't try the services and i believe that included extra tune-up activities, hahaha.


2006, Dakar, Senegal. Performance in C.Med. Grabbed a seat in front, a bottle of beer for each, spent night with show and alcohols.

Street Performance

2007, Istanbul, Turkey. Earn for life. Countless street performers make their live show at tourism area. Usually it will bring me to a halt, and i will take a shot, without donating. haha.

Monday, March 17, 2008





Friday, March 14, 2008

Old Man

2006, Goree Island, Senegal. Old man. Only aged building and small group of residents left on the island.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Door of No Return

2006, Goree Island, Senegal. Door of No Return. Always remind myself to write on story behind the picture instead of the photo itself. This is an ordinary photo taken on Goree Island, once a African slave exporting port years ago. Yet, it brought me depressing and unforgetable impacts. Man and woman, even child are sent here to be exported. They were slaved forever in other lands, with NO RETURN to Africa. Those who are sick, suffered and passed away in this slave port were thrown out into sea via the door too (There are sharks all around that area). A heartrending story which etched in my mind forever.

This is the layout of slave ship. Slaves were arranged to lie down in rows for space saving! Their hands and necks are locked! Imagine they were spending months to travel on sea
! They had been tortured by rain in night and sun in day time!

Monday, March 10, 2008


2006, Dakar, Senegal. Salt Production. Local people are producing salt at Pink Lake and this is their valuable source of income.


2007, Istanbul, Turkey. Food. According to reliable sources, the man is cooking goat intestin.
Never buy, and also never try.

Kid on River

2007, Kinshasa, DRC. Kid. Due to security concerns, I din bring camera there for whole trip. The picture had been taken by using mobile phone, thus can't have a clear image of their faces. The kids are earning their life by carrying tourist across the river.

